Common Questions
These are some of the most commonly asked questions about our neighborhood. Remember, the only silly question is the one you didn't ask!
How do I submit an EMR, Exterior Modification Request, for approval??
​Go to and sign in
Select Exterior Modification Request
Select Exterior Modification Request form
Select review governing documents
Select application type
Follow balance of steps
When are assessments due and how should I pay?
Assessments are due by 1/1 of the assessment year
Late fees will be incurred if paid later than 1/31 of assessment year
Payments can be made online or mail
Go to community page
Select pay your assessment online
Is there an email distribution list and how do I subscribe?
There is an email distribution list which is used to update our neighborhood on immediate news and events. To subscribe please enter your email in the box provided and you will be automatically added to the distribution. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe option in any of the emails you receive from us.
Who puts out the flags in the neighborhood on key holidays and can I get them to put one up in my yard?
The flags are put up by Klein Collins High School Music Department as part of their "Flags With Pride" program. The flags are put out 6 times a year for a nominal annual fee. To sign up please contact (preferred), or call 832-484-5266
Who provides the pool lifeguards and how do I apply?
Our lifeguards are provided by DS Recreational. Contact them directly to apply.
How do I get a key for the Thicket tennis courts and how much does it cost?
Jim Artley provides keys to The Thicket tennis and pickleball courts. Jim can be reached at or 281-528-0760 (landline, leave a message).
There is a $20.00 deposit which will be returned to you if you move or decide to no longer use the courts.
What do we recycle, who collects it and when is it collected?
Our recycling service is currently provided by GFL Environmental. They collect every Friday around the same time as the regular trash collection.
The acceptable and unacceptable items are defined here.
All recycle containers must be placed curbside.
Who collects our trash and when do they do it?
GFL Environmental (formerly WCA Waste) collects our trash every Tuesday and Friday. Here are some details of the service, together with contact information:
Trash Service Information
If you are new to the neighborhood and have not yet signed up, please use this form:
Trash Service Signup
Are there any guidelines on installing solar panels on my home?
go to and sign in
Select Exterior Modification Request
Select Exterior Modification Request form
Select review governing documents
Select application type
Follow balance of steps
Where can I find the Deed Restrictions?
Select community page
Select governing documents
Select section restrictions
How do I rent the Clubhouse?
​For residents who wish to rent the Thicket Clubhouse please click on the below link to review the Thicket Rental Agreement. Contact information is available on the agreement. All future rentals will require executed agreements in advance.